American Trifles
My maternal grandparents treasured most every trifle or curio they crossed paths with. A dresser in the spare room, seemed to contain every letter they received, as well as crackerjack prizes, harmonicas, yo-yo's, baseball cards and the occasional dirty joke. The shelves and display cabinets were filled with my grandmothers long empty Avon bottles, rocks from distant places, and not to be touched carnival glass. Interspersed with her favorite knickknacks, often in reoccurring themes of mice and deer. To open my grandfathers Marine footlocker, was to be plunged into an American childhood of the 1950's. A slightly less insidious consumer driven world filled with marbles, books, board games, toy cars and again crackerjacks. This series is inspired by my grandparents collections and the stories they tell, depicted in a format we can all relate to, Television.