My name is Kara Artman, born and raised in the small town of Streator, Illinois; once the, “Glass Manufacturing Capital of the World”. By my time however, this claim to fame was but a sun washed, rusty sign. My creative endeavors began at an early age whilst helping my mother and grandparents with their various craft projects. To further my artistic dreams I attended the The School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago and upon graduation, moved to South Carolina where I have resided since.
I am a collector of trifles, a chiffonier, as such my work is filled with trinkets and curiosity. I surround myself with the ephemera of our fore bearers, saturating my thoughts in layers of history and the work of human hands. It is this feeling; of having a story, a soul, that I try to embody in my work. The remnants of past eras remain, remarkably elegant, especially in relation to their modern equivalents.
Having long endeavored to learn a vast array of classic methods, my creations form organically, not hemmed in by the constructs of a given field but drawing inspiration wherever it may be encountered. This has led to a multitude of artistic visions, often utilizing a mass produced, post consumer product as a primary material. Engaging diligent research as the foundation of my working practice, my art explores an untraditional approach to traditional materials and techniques.